2011年1月29日 星期六

WCC Meeting

Windy City Club

A monthly International Culture & Social club where friends gather to explore ideas


"Destination; Destiny; Fate; Faith; Hope & Love”

Meeting Place :

"Till Village Restaurant" #16-1 Fu Shin Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan
“犁村” 新竹市 復興路16-1號

Website: http://wcc.twgogo.org/

這是一個新竹練英文的社團, 他們成立超過10年了...
加入不用任何費用, 只要在餐廳支付自己的點餐費就好了
那裡的人有來自不同行業的, 有學生,老師, 警察, 還有園區的上班族...
而且感覺很自然舒服, 不像是在練英文, 就像在聊天一樣..
大家自由發言, 英文講錯了沒有人會笑你...也沒人跟你說 ; 不對, 你講錯嚕....

2011年1月23日 星期日

Looking for a job 3 - Writing a resume

Tracy Q. Graduate
Campus: 456 College Hall
Normal, IL 67890
Permanent: 123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

OBJECTIVE:     Auditor position in the public accounting field in the Chicago area.
SUMMARY:       •   More than two years of progressive accounting and auditing experience.
                        •   Auditor internship with Ernst & Young in New York City.
                        •   Magna Cum Laude graduate with BBA in Accounting.
                        •   Proficient with MS Office, Windows XP, and the Internet.
EDUCATION:    Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting, May 2008
                        Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
                        Graduated Magna Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.6 on a 4.0 scale
                        Courses taken included:
                        Managerial Accounting                 Corporate Audit and Reconciliation
                        Intermediate Accounting I & II     Financial Management
                        Accounting I & II                        Internal Audit
                        Accounting for Not-For-Profits     Managerial Economics

Auditor Internship, May 2007 to August 2007
  Ernst & Young, New York, New York

                        •   Participated in the annual audit of Omega Megalithic Holdings, including development of the                         final certification report.
                        •   Participated in quarterly audit of Alpha Bank Corporation, including identification and                         correction of over twenty major accounting errors.
                        •   Developed several Excel spreadsheet macros currently in use for reducing entry time and                         automatically cross-referencing for errors.
                        •   Received Employee of the Month award twice—first intern ever to win the award.

Accounts Payable/Bookkeeping Clerk, May 2005 to Present
Anytown Tax and Bookkeeping Service, Anytown, New York
                        •   Assisted (via remote) with payroll, tax, and account processing.
                        •   Developed automated monthly sales tax payment system.
                        •   Implemented Rapid Tax Refund service for individual customers.

ACTIVITIES:      •   Vice President, Student Accountancy Chapter, 2007-2008
                        •   Treasurer, Beta Gamma Sigma honors society, 2007-2008
                        •   Dorm Resident Assistant, 2006-2008

同學,內容不要照抄,只要看這篇resume的大綱就好了,內容可以從104 或其他人力銀行的徵才廣告英文版那邊找...懂嗎??

Looking for a job 2 Cover Letter

Cover Letter撰寫

當準備好了個人履歷表、自傳及相關文件之後,你就直接將這些資料寄出去嗎?其實最有禮貌的作法,還是要附上一 封"Cover Letter",即所謂的應徵函或自薦信,簡單的說明自己從何處得知該公司徵才的訊息,以及應徵該職務的原因,並客氣的請求公司主管詳讀個人資料並提供面 試機會,這樣的作法才不會讓求才公司覺得突兀或沒有禮貌。而這份文件的撰寫,只要比照一般商用文書的格式與書寫原則即可。

Dear Mr. Lee:

Having heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant. I wish to offer my service for it.

I am 25 years of age, and have worked for fifteen months in a similar position for ABC Co., Ltd., Taipei. I left them solely becuse they made a reduction in their establishment.

I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.

Very truly yours,
Gary Chen.

Dear Sir:

I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy in the YK Grammer
School, and I wish to apply for the position.

I graduated from Harvardy 1982. For the last three years I have been teaching chemistry at Chung-wha High School, in Taichung city. I am also per-mitted to refer to Professor John Powell, of the Education Department at the Taipei Normal College.

I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience and enclosing a brief personal history.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Lee.

Looking for a job 1

履歷表英文稱之為Resume,然而在企業的求職要求中也常可看見C.V這個名詞。所謂的C.V就是CURRICULUM VITAE的縮寫,也就是簡歷表的意思。簡歷表 (C.V) 要比履歷表(Resume) 更簡要一些。目前許多工作職缺通常會要求求職者提供Resume或C.V。 

英文履歷表不像中文履歷表,有制式的表格。然而一份專業的履歷 表,還是有一些共同的要素,不能遺漏。所以英文履歷要怎麼寫呢?通常英式履歷表包含1)履歷表(Resume)2)求職信(Cover Letter),此外「英文自傳」(Autobiography)則是台灣求職要求中常見的項目。以下針對各項目提供簡單的說明。

1.個人資料 (Personal Data)
2.應徵職務 (Job Objective, Desired Position)
3.專長 (Summary of Skills, Highlights of Qualifications)
4.教育 (Education)
5.工作經驗/社團經驗 (Work Experience, Job History/Extra Curriculum Experience)



英文履歷表通常僅以簡單的條列方式呈現 重要資訊,無法給求職者更多的空間描述個人工作動機或企圖心。因此在完整的英式履歷表中,求職者會附上一封求職信,「簡單地」說明
1.得知工作的管道2. 應徵該職務的原因3.個人適合該份工作的理由4.工作企圖心與或是5.與工作需求相關的個人特質。最後並客氣的請求公司主管閱讀個人資料,並給予面試的機會。

雖然在英文履歷中,這個部份並不是必要的部份,然而在台灣,求職時自傳則是一個重要的部份。因此,英文履歷中自傳也是不可獲缺。有的履歷填寫介紹中,則會把自傳(Autobiography)與求職信(cover letter)當成同一個東西。事實上,求職信要比自傳簡略許多,內容也不盡相同。因此,同學要視所求職公司的要求來架構自己履歷的內容。 




如有打工經驗或社團經驗,也可說明這過程中的收穫,以及對於所求職工作能力需求的幫助,如有實例可佐證更好。另外,個人從這些活動經驗中的心得,對於某項 職場工作倫理的體悟,也可提出來,藉此展現自己待人處世的成熟度。


最後的提醒:履歷表撰寫完畢一定要仔細檢查,確定沒有文法及拼字錯誤。WORD檔案,有提供拼字的功能,同學可善加利用。此外,各家招募公司要求的履歷, 可能會有不同的規格跟要求,也有可能提供中式履歷格式請同學填寫英文履歷。因此,同學要看清楚公司的求職要求,如果覺得有疑惑之處,儘量跟求職公司問清 楚,或是徵詢求職過的學長姐的經驗。

2011年1月19日 星期三

TOEIC Test Introduction 2



  • 第一大題:照片描述  十題 (四選一)
  • 第二大題:應答問題 三十題 (三選一)
  • 第三大題:簡短對話 三十題 (四選一)
  • 第四大題:簡短獨白 三十題 (四選一)

  • 第五大題:單句填空 四十題 (四選一)
  • 第六大題:短文填空 十二題 (四選一)
  • 第七大題:單篇文章理解 二十八題 (四選一) 雙篇文章理解  二十題 (四選一)


To everyone : 
所以同學們,  toeic的考試就是一場耐力賽, 考實力是不一定, 因為我也有看過考很考分的人英文講的很差....
但是, 考意志力還有細心度倒是真的, 考試的時候真的要細心...
考前一定要多做考題, 熟悉題型再應考, 還有, 前一天一定要睡飽
因為....沒有用的.......會就是會, 不會就是不會....英文是累積的....
在說, 考前10-20分鐘看書, 等到真正考試的時候, 你就沒有力氣考試了...

TOEIC Test Introduction 1.


一般商務 契約、談判、行銷、銷售、商業企劃、會議
製造業 工廠管理、生產線、品管
金融/預算 銀行業務、投資、稅務、會計、帳單
企業發展 研究、產品研發
辦公室 董事會、委員會、信件、備忘錄、電話、傳真、電子郵件、辦公室器材與傢俱、辦公室流程
人事 招考、雇用、退休、薪資、升遷、應徵與廣告
採購 比價、訂貨、送貨、發票
技術層面 電子、科技、電腦、實驗室與相關器材、技術規格
房屋/公司地產 建築、規格、購買租賃、電力瓦斯服務
旅遊 火車、飛機、計程車、巴士、船隻、渡輪、票務、時刻表、車站、機場廣播、租車、飯店、預訂、脫班與取消
外食 商務/非正式午餐、宴會、招待會、餐廳訂位
娛樂 電影、劇場、音樂、藝術、媒體
保健 醫藥保險、看醫生、牙醫、診所、醫院


What is the content of the TOEIC test?
The TOEIC test was designed to meet the needs of the working world. The test questions are developed from samples of spoken and written language collected from various countries around the world where English is used in the workplace. Test questions include many different settings and situations, such as:
  • General business contracts, negotiations, marketing, sales, business planning, conferences
  • Manufacturing plant management, assembly lines, quality control
  • Finance and budgeting banking, investments, taxes, accounting, billing
  • Corporate development research, product development
  • Offices board meetings, committees, letters, memoranda, telephone, fax and e-mail messages, office equipment and furniture, office procedures
  • Personnel recruiting, hiring, retiring, salaries, promotions, job applications and advertisements
  • Purchasing shopping, ordering supplies, shipping, invoices
  • Technical areas electronics, technology, computers, laboratories and related equipment, technical specifications
  • Housing/ corporate property construction, specifications, buying and renting, electric and gas services
  • Travel trains, airplanes, taxis, buses, ships, ferries, tickets, schedules, station and airport announcements, car rentals, hotels, reservations, delays and cancellations
  • Dining out business and informal lunches, banquets, receptions, restaurant reservations
  • Entertainment cinema, theater, music, art, media
  • Health medical insurance, visiting doctors, dentists, clinics, hospitals
While the language from these settings provides the context of the test questions, candidates are not required to know specialized business and technical vocabulary. The TOEIC test is suitable for use in all environments where English is used by native speakers of other languages.