一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 | 日 | |
早 上 | 9:30-11:00 | 9:30-12:30 | | ||||
2:30-3:30 | 12:40-1:40 | | | ||||
4:30-6:30 | 2:00-3:00 | 2:30-4:00 | 4:20- 6:20 | 2:30-4:00 | 1:30-3:40 | 1:30-3:40 | |
7:30-9:30 | 4:20-6:20 | 5:30-6:30 | 7:30-9:30 | 4:30-6:30 | 8:20-9:50 | ||
| 7:30-9:30 | 7:30-9:30 | 7:30-9:30 | 7:30-9:00 |
2011年2月17日 星期四
Katrina March Late Feb & Schedule
2011年2月15日 星期二
Superstitions Around the World (Elective Course)
Superstitions Around the World
In Indonesia,. It will be unfortunate if your pregnant guest suddenly gives birth in your house, it is believed that this will cause bad luck. When this happens, usually people will advise them to move to another house or place to live.
This is one popular superstition in America. When you are moving to a new home, you have to put your cat in the house through the window for the very first time, so that it will not leave the house. Avoid bringing your cat through the door.
People will avoid doing laundry on New Year’s Day because it is believed that you’ll “wash away” a family member (in other words - causing their death) in the upcoming year. So, they will wash their clothes on the 2nd.
This is a superstition about Christmas In Ireland, there is a belief that the gates of Heaven will open at midnight on Christmas Eve. For all the people who die on Christmas Day, they will go straight to Heaven.
In Poland, superstition plays a major part in celebrating Christmas. One of the superstitions is weather, the weather during Christmas predicts the weather for the rest of the following year. When it snows, it is believed as a sign of happiness, but if it rains, the following year will be a rainy one.
In Germany, traditionally, when their dog dies, they usually bury the dog body under the door step. It is believed that the dog's ghost will protect their house from thieves.
A popular belief in Korea is that when someone dies, their spirit or soul will stay around for six weeks. Do not talk bad about them, they will hear it. If you missed the chance to say goodbye to them before they die, you still have the time before their spirit gone forever.
It is considered bad luck to give an empty wallet or purse as a gift, because if you do, it will cause financial difficulties to the one receiving the wallet. It is advisable to include some amount of money in the wallet before giving it to someone.
In Mexico, it is believed that if someone accidently sweeps an unmarried woman's shoes with a broom, she will never marry. This is considered as bad luck and should be avoided.
Avoid cutting your nails in the evening or at night, it is believed that cutting nails during that time will prevent you from seeing your parents when they die, you won't be able to be with them for the last time on their deathbed.
In Japan, there is a popular belief that when you see a spider in the morning, it will bring good luck. On the other hand, it is bad luck to come across a spider during night time.
In Brazil, they have a superstition that when babies stand on their heads, they are calling for another sibling to join in the family.
It is believed that if you drop some salt, you have to put some salt from its container in your hand and throw it behind your shoulder. As this will prevent the evil eye you would normally get when dropping the salt.
2011年2月14日 星期一
A Question from My Student
我晚點也會po上我個人的意見!! :)
Dear Katrina :
新年快樂,祝福妳2011鴻兔大展,兔年行大運~ 很想妳的說。
好久不見,我是2010 下半年在Wells International Language Center 上過妳的Basic class的Cara。
很抱歉,已有ㄧ段時間未到班上學習了, 真的把自己整個都埋在公司,回家都七晚八晚, 又覺得累得不想再腦子裡塞東西,但是會每個月乖乖固定繳學費。 想請教你學習英文記憶的方式。
今天我在 網站 : Cheers快樂工作人雜誌與天下雜誌瀏覽一堆有的沒的, 然後看到徐薇的介紹書籍,還有別他家出的圖像記憶法。 看他的介紹會令人想跟著學習。但是對我來說, 心不靜下來與找出自己適用的學習方式, 是無法接受很多大量的Knowleage。
ㄧ天5~6個單子,是怎麼學習的?花多少時間,包含記憶 . 發音 .與如何使用?會有什麼詞性轉變?可以再多ㄧ些開示嗎? 我怎麼ㄧ點動力都沒有的感覺。
2011年2月9日 星期三
Article - Meeting English
一個會議的架構無論在任何語言裡通常是相同的。會議總是以問候開始!對於英語,你將會更正式些「Good morning」 or 「Good afternoon」而非「hello」。然後,如果你正主持一場會議,你將需要宣布會議要開始了。例如:「Good morning. It looks like everyone’s here, so let’s get started.」說明目的
下一步,你必須要提醒每一個人這個會議的目的是什麼-什麼事項需要說明。如果這你是會議主持人,你就要說:「We’re here today to…」其他的說法你也許會聽到:「Our goal today is…」或「I’ve called this meeting to…」然後簡短說明一下即可。例如:「We’re here today to discuss last quarter’s sales figures.」回顧企業過去
因為會議通常是要處理目前企業的近況,你必須要先在呈現新的資訊之前回顧舊的資訊。這通常會發生在某人看了minutes from the previous meeting。Minutes是在會議中正式的紀錄 ; 在看會議紀錄之前,你可以這樣說:「To begin, let’s quickly go over the minutes from our last meeting」。“Go over”的意思是回顧某事,這通常使用在企業上。說明議程及討論
現在是討論新的商業議題時候了!通常,你會跟著討論條列稱為「agenda.」 會議主持人將會帶著每一個人了解agenda.他們會說:「Please look at your copy of the agenda. There are xx items on the list today. Let’s start with number xx.」然後,一個成功的會議是要照著議程進行。當按時來進入下一個主題時,你可以說:「Now that we’ve discussed …, let’s move on to…」 。「Move on」一般都使用在商業議程上,它的意思是離開一個主題進入到下一個主題。
結束了一個會議需要一些句子:總結每一件討論的事情,感謝每一位的出席,然後結束會議。這並不是一件很困難的事!總結開始是:「To sum up…」例如:「To sum up, we've determined the sales figures could be better and discussed solutions.」然後,感謝每一位的出席:「Thank you all for attending/coming.」讓每一個人知道現在可以離開了:「The meeting is finished.」最後,下一次如果還有會議就可以說:「We’ll see everyone next….」2011年2月7日 星期一
New Class Schedule in Feb.
新的課表在此, 上家教的同學跟我月時間哦...
一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 | 日 | |
早 上 | 9:30-11:00 | 9:30-12:30 | | ||||
2:30-3:30 | 12:40-1:40 | | | ||||
4:30-6:30 | 2:00-3:00 | 2:30-4:00 | 4:20- 6:20 | 2:30-4:00 | 1:30-3:40 | 1:30-3:40 | |
7:30-9:30 | 4:20-6:20 | 5:30-6:30 | 7:30-9:30 | 4:30-6:30 | 8:20-9:50 | ||
| 7:30-9:30 | 7:30-9:30 | 7:30-9:30 |