
2011年1月23日 星期日

Looking for a job 2 Cover Letter

Cover Letter撰寫

當準備好了個人履歷表、自傳及相關文件之後,你就直接將這些資料寄出去嗎?其實最有禮貌的作法,還是要附上一 封"Cover Letter",即所謂的應徵函或自薦信,簡單的說明自己從何處得知該公司徵才的訊息,以及應徵該職務的原因,並客氣的請求公司主管詳讀個人資料並提供面 試機會,這樣的作法才不會讓求才公司覺得突兀或沒有禮貌。而這份文件的撰寫,只要比照一般商用文書的格式與書寫原則即可。

Dear Mr. Lee:

Having heard that the situation of a cashier in your office is vacant. I wish to offer my service for it.

I am 25 years of age, and have worked for fifteen months in a similar position for ABC Co., Ltd., Taipei. I left them solely becuse they made a reduction in their establishment.

I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.

Very truly yours,
Gary Chen.

Dear Sir:

I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy in the YK Grammer
School, and I wish to apply for the position.

I graduated from Harvardy 1982. For the last three years I have been teaching chemistry at Chung-wha High School, in Taichung city. I am also per-mitted to refer to Professor John Powell, of the Education Department at the Taipei Normal College.

I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience and enclosing a brief personal history.

Sincerely yours,
Tom Lee.

