Foreign words and concepts are adopted into the Chinese language in either of two ways. One way is to create a new compound word that actually translate the concept behind the word. For example, a computer is known as a diannao (電腦) or electronic brain, while a telephone is dianhua (電話), or electric voice. Another way is for the foreign word to be transliterated into Chinese. Unfortunately, this approach has a number of drawbacks. One is that since the Chinese characters were not designed to represent sound, the result is usually just a rough approximation of the original sound. Moreover, since the characters may be pronounced very differently under various dialects, what is a close approximation under one dialect may not be under another. Hence, it is not unusual for the same foreign word to have multiple Chinese transliterations based on the dialect. Another disadvantage of transliterated words is that since every Chinese character has a meaning, a transliterated word is nonsensical unless one immediately recognizes that one should read just the sound and ignore the meaning of the underlying characters. This can be very confusing for beginning Chinese readers.
Increasing globalization means that foreign loan words are likely to increase the Chinese language. In Hong Kong, where residents freely insert English words into their Cantonese dialect, they tend to have more transliterated English words than other Chinese speakers.
English Source Chinese Transliteration Alternate Chinese Variant
Baby 啤啤 (Cantonese) 嬰兒
Bar 酒吧
Bowling 保齡球 滾木球
Brandy 白蘭地酒
Buffet 蒲飛 (Cantonese) 自助餐
Bus 巴士 公共汔車
Bye Bye 拜拜 再見
Calorie 卡路里 熱量單位
Cartoon 卡通 漫畫, 動畫
Cheese 芝士 奶酪
Cherry 車厘子(Cantonese) 櫻桃
Cocoa 可可 谷咕 (Cantonese)
Coffee 咖啡
Chocolate 巧克力 朱古力
Curry 咖喱
Cyanide 山埃 (Cantonese) 化物
Disco 迪斯可 的士高 (Cantonese)
Fashion 花樣 花臣(Cantonese)
Film 菲林 (Cantonese) 膠卷
Gallon 加侖
Golf 高爾夫球
Guitar 吉他 結他 (Cantonese)
Hamburger 漢堡
Jelly 者喱 果子凍
Mile 米 英里
Morphine 嗎啡
Motor 摩托 電動機
Ounce 盎斯 安士
Pudding 布丁 布甸
Salad 沙拉
Sandwich 三明治 三文治
Sardines 沙丁魚 沙甸魚 (Cantonese)
Salmon 三文魚 (Cantonese) 鮭魚
Sauna 桑拿 (Cantonese) 蒸氣浴
Sofa 沙發 梳化
Strawberry 士多啤梨 (Cantonese) 草莓
Sundae 新地 水果奶油冰淇淋
Taxi 的士 出租車, 計程車
Tips 貼士 (Cantonese) 小費, 提示
Toast 多士 吐司, 烤麵包
Toffee 太妃糖 拖肥 (Cantonese)
Vitamin 維他命 維生素
Vodka 伏特加酒
Whisky 威士忌酒